Saturday, January 30, 2010

Disney Tama Update!

Hi again!
Well I finally decided on what tamas I'm taking to Florida! I'm taking my Angelotchi, my P2, and my V4! Here is some info about then!

P2. Is a toddler
Angel. Is also a toddler
V4. Is the buck toothed adult. He also has a baby girl with him!

I'll be sure to get some pic's up later!

Well that's all for now!

Update 1/30/10

Hi everyone!
Well last night I decided to start up my angel up again! It's a tot now! Its 1 year old. Sadly I'm still having the same old sound problem! Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't!

Besides that I also got a picture of all my tamas! Here it is!

Well that's all for now!

Summery on Devilotchi

Sorry for not keeping you updated. I'm just so busy lately. Disney World is only 3 day's away!!! I leave on Sunday and I don't get back until the fallowing Sunday!!! Ohh I'm so exited!!!!!

Anyway here is some info about the Devilotchi I got on my angelotchi!!!

He is a rare secrete character that can come from teens or adults. To get him you pretty much have to not take care of your angel. Just curring it from sicknesses. Much like the Lucky Unchi-Kun (Lucky Poo) he is un-playable. He just sits on your screen. The way to get him is after days of little to no care your angel will become very ill. When you give him the medicine he will not get better. After several shots he will evolve into Devilotchi!

The rummer that you need the Lucky Unchi-Kun (Lucky Poo) to get Devilotchi is FALSE!

The rummer of Devilotchi being a playable caricter is FALSE!

The rummer that if you keep Devilotchi for a week he will evolve into a playable form of Devilotchi is FALSE!

The rummer that if you keep Devilotchi for a week he will evolve into King Devilotchi (A playable character on the Devilotchi) is FALSE!

Well I hope you enjoyed my Devilotchi Summery!

I'll post more later!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Updates 1/5/10

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. School started up again yesterday and I have a LOT of studying to do! I have a Social Studies test and a Spelling test coming up and...yea I need to do some studying!

Anyway I didn't get the chance to unapuse any tamas yesterday but I plan on unpauseing my Color and maby a few others in a few minutes!!

I also hope on getting some pic's up later today!!!

Well that's all for now!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Updates 1/3/10

Well since my last post a few things have happened...

Angel. Evolved into Develotchi!!! Wow I'm good at getting him! I'll be sure to get a photo this time!!!
V1. Is now a Mametchi!!! He is also 3.
Music Star. Is the Fireball teen!!!
Color. Had a baby boy!!! Is is now the little blue beaked tot! (I'll get the name later!)

Well that's all for now!!!