Monday, May 3, 2010

Update 5/3/10

Well some how even on a 4 day weekend I've managed to stay busy!

Anyway I have some exilent news! My brothers into tamas again! Since I don't know any other way of telling this i'm going to tell it in story.

Well it all began on thirsday night. Me and my little Bro. were jumping on our tranpinine. We were just talking like usiral when I started to talk about vintage tamas. Insted of shooing me away like usiral he actually seemed interested! That's when I asked him 'Do you like vintage tamas?' and to my suprise he said yes! Ok skipping to the next morning. We were talking like always when I broght up his old Music Star that went lost ages ago. I can't remember exactally what he said but he said if I could find it he would be happy to play it. Now this is were it get's really weird! As he said that a flash-back of him setting it down on an old chair ran through my mind! I would think I would be some what taken back by that experiance but at the time all I was worried about if finding that tama. So I ran to the chair and looked under the cushens and... nothing. It was then that I noticed a small tear ,bearily big enough to squeeze my hand into, in the chair. Well I reached inside and felt along. At first nothing but just I was about to give up my hand bumped something! It was his tama! It's battery was still working and it was a Chamametchi! Well from there on he's been takeing great care of his tama. Eventially it evolved into the adalt female verson of Mametchi. Well that's his story!...

But it dosen't end there! Because the second good news is.... I boght an UraTama and he boght an EnTama! We just ordered them yesterday and they will hopefully be here in a few weeks!

Well now about my tamas. I've unpaused a few more over the weekend! Eatherway here is the updates!

P2. Departed at age 17. He was so very needy at his age. I'll miss him.

Angel. Evolved into Pukuten (The chubby angel)

V2. Is the starfish tot!

V3. Has a baby boy!

V4. Is an unusiral teen.

Music Star. Sadily departed because he got un-paused. It's just like in DC. (You can find that story somewere in my TamaTalk blog). I don't seem to have much luck with this one.

Well I think that's everything!

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